Even After Death - Chapter 1119

Chapter 1119


Olivia quickly replied, “I’m sorry. I was just making small talk.”

Linus regained his composure. “I was being too sensitive. Forgive me.

Then, both of them fell silent. Olivia followed behind him. This man

was so dense, even more than Ethan when she just got married


He was also very stern, but he wasn’t a bad person.

When they got out of the car, he even opened the door for her.

“The roads are slippery. Watch your step.”

In his eyes, all women are frail.

Olivia nodded. She remained polite and distant.

Mason’s face lit up with joy when he saw that Olivia had returned.

“Vanessa, you’re finally back. You haven’t even made the angel food cake you promised last time.”

Olivia smiled. “I’ll go make it now, then.”

“There’s no rush. You just came back. Take a break. Make me some



Tatiana looked at Olivia. Mason had always been distant and

cautious toward other people, but he treated her differently.

Chapter 1119


At first, she was also grateful that Olivia had saved Mason’s life, but

she started to feel like something was wrong.

Mason and Linus were too lenient with this woman of unknown

origins. Mason was even reliant on her.

In the two days Olivia was gone, Mason’s appetite was visibly worse.

He even said the food she personally made for him wasn’t the same

as Olivia’s.

How could a woman not overthink in such a situation? Especially

since Linus was still single.

She was worried that Mason would grow too fond of Olivia and

decide to allow her to marry Linus. That would be a very bad joke.

But Tatiana was more mature than Krystal. She wouldn’t directly

express her love or hatred for someone on the surface.

She was very welcoming when Olivia returned.

“Mason, you should let her rest a little since she just got back, but you are asking her to brew tea for you. I’ll brew the tea since I’m better at


Olivia didn’t try to stop Tatiana.

“Then I’ll go prepare the ingredients for tonight’s meal. I’ll also look at Mr. Heath’s medical reports. I’ll see if the medication needs to be

changed based on his condition.

“Alright, go ahead.” Mason’s mood had clearly improved.

After Olivia was out of the room, Tatiana put down her teapot.

Chapter 1119


She gave Mason, a look and said, “I think Krystal was right. She’s just a doctor, but you’re smiling so happily. It feels like you’re under a spell.

Mason held her hand. “Honestly, the first time I saw her, I felt a sense

of familiarity.”

Tatiana felt her heart skip a beat. “I think you’ve grown senile. Why would you feel a sense of familiarity toward a stranger?”

“Who knows? Maybe it’s just a gut feeling, just like how Krystal just

hates her. There’s no reason for such feelings. Alright, since she’s

back, you have to rein Krystal in. Don’t let her be so rude to Vanessa


Tatiana said unhappily, “Is a doctor more important than your

daughter? So what if Krystal yells at her a little?”

“She did save my life. She has done our family a great service. Why

are you as unreasonable as Krystal?

Tatiana’s expression changed. “I’m grateful to her, too. I just don’t

want you to treat our daughter worse because of an outsider. Her

marriage is not even settled yet. Get the doctor out of your head.

Have you been thinking about how to get Ethan to marry Krystal?”

